Authors: М. Sitnicki, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-0452-0404; А. Kozhuhivska, PhD Student, ORCID ID: 0000-0003-0427-372X, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Куiv, Ukraine
Annotation: The article presents the results of a national survey. The employers in the field of IT and telecommunications were ranked according to the recognizability of the brands. Emphasis is placed on the fact that for Ukrainian enterprises the employer brand is a relatively new tool for building the company’s attractiveness in the labour market, so there is a need to study the job-seekers market and analyze employers approaches to developing employer brand strategy as an important component of enterprise management strategy. We analyzed the dynamics of quantitative and structural changes in the process of brand development of the employer of TOP companies in the field of IT and telecommunications. As well we identified the reasons for these changes. We proved that these reasons are formed both under the influence of economic and demographic factors, and geopolitical changes, which currently have a high degree of uncertainty in Ukraine. We proposed the key indicators for assessing the brand awareness of the employer, which include: awareness of candidates about the company as an employer; the presence of companies in social media platforms; providing opportunities for young people to get their first job; attendance at career events and working conditions. We identified the key components of the employer brand development strategy that influenced the change of these indicators. We substantiated conclusions on the need to improve the methods and tools of formation and implementation of the employer’s brand development strategy. The study showed that today the development of employer brand management has reached such a level of importance that it becomes an integral part of the business strategy of successful companies. The presented data show the state and trends of the IT and telecommunications market in Ukraine. Respondents’ preferences outline the paradigm of consumer thinking that identifies the company as an employer in the market. Such studies should be systemic and conducted at least once a year. Such a perspective would allow us to quickly diagnose changes in consumer sentiment and the threat of new competitors in the labour market. Ukrainian companies are invited to constantly work on improving these indicators as part of the employer’s brand strategy, which affects the attractiveness, preservation, and improvement of the company’s image.
Key words: employer brand, employer attractiveness, employer strategy.
Received: 14/10/2020
1st Revision: 28/10/2020
Accepted: 16/11/2020
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