The impact of innovation on the development of the global cosmetics products market

Authors: S. Sviderska, PhD Student, ORCID ID 0000-0003-0179-8838, P. Kukhta, PhD, Associate Prof., ORCID ID 0000-0002-0312-8128, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine

Annotation: To gain insights that guide important business decisions and, consequently, turn data into business actions, various methods and types of data could be used depending on the data’s availability, accessibility, and costs. In consulting practice, the usage of widely published market reports and marketing studies is a standard routine. This paper is an example of how institutional theory could be applied in practice for analyzing and interpreting the findings from a typical market study.By contrast to other widely used qualitative and quantitative tools and techniques, applying institutional lenses is far to be mainstream for industry practitioners and strategy consultants. In the selected case from the wine sector, a market report has been hermeneutically “read” through lenses of institutional theory, which helped to identify coercive and mimetic types of isomorphism in the markets of Georgia and Ukraine.

Keywords: institutional theory, isomorphism, wine sector, strategy, hermeneutics, interpretive reading, management consulting.

Received: 24/01/2021
1st Revision: 02/02/2021
Accepted: 03/03/2021



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