Assessment of the enterprise strategic sets using Fuzzy CODAS method

Authors: V. Balan, PhD, Associate Professor, ORCID ID 0000-0002-1577-0636, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine

Annotation: The article proposes a methodological approach to assess strategic sets of an enterprise. The approach is based on improving the classical quantitative strategic planning matrix (QSPM) using the theory of fuzzy sets and fuzzy multicriteria analysis tools, in particular, the Fuzzy CODAS method. The seven-level term-set is used to determine the weighting coefficients of the criteria, each term of which is transformed into a fuzzy number in a trapezoidal form with the corresponding membership functions. A similar approach was used for expert assessment of strategic sets according to a certain system of criteria. The methodological approach is implemented in the form of a framework in the Fuzzy Logic Toolbox software application of the Matlab computing system. This allows the simulation, depending on the adjustment of expert assessments of the importance of criteria assessment and evaluation policy sets based on these criteria. The methodological approach can be used in the strategic planning of enterprises’ activities as an effective tool for assessing and selecting effective strategic sets.

Keywords: strategic planning, strategic set, fuzzy set theory, term set, Fuzzy CODAS.

Received: 27/04/2021
1st Revision: 07/05/2021
Accepted: 30/05/2021



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