Social responsibility of Ukraine’s nuclear energy: analysis of problems and development prospects

Authors: K. Bereziuk, PhD student, ORCID ID 0000-0001-6648-8596, Institute of Industrial Economics of the NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Annotation: The development of Ukraine’s nuclear energy remains one of the priority areas for ensuring the state’s socio-economic stability and national security. In addition, the industry’s social responsibility to key stakeholders and the world community, in general, plays an essential role in ensuring the development of nuclear energy. The biggest problems of NNEGC Energoatom’s social policy remain outdated staff motivation system, unresolved issue of radioactive waste disposal, inefficient distribution of subventions allocated to NPP satellite cities, an extension of overtime operation of power units, corruption offenses, nontransparent procurement. Reserves for the development of social responsibility at the enterprise are the development of a new wage system, regulation at the legislative level of the mechanism of distribution of subventions, strengthening responsibility for corruption crimes, automation of the procurement process in the SAR ERP system, reducing the number of intermediaries in procurement. It is also vital to increase the transparency of the enterprise and launch an educational campaign to restore public confidence in nuclear power plants. Strengthening social responsibility requires systematic work not only by the management of NNEGC Energoatom but also by lawmakers and anti-corruption bodies.

Keywords: social responsibility, staff motivation, compliance policy, safety culture.

Received: 21/04/2021
1st Revision: 28/04/2021
Accepted: 11/06/2021



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