Sovereignty policy under the COVID-19 pandemic conditions: unification VS differentiation

Authors: A. Zhukovska, PhD in Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, ORCID ID 0000-0003-0891-1952, West Ukrainian National University; O. Dluhopolskyi, Doctor in Economic Sciences, Professor, ORCID ID 0000-0002-2040-8762, West Ukrainian National University, Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University; O. Koshulko, Lancaster University M.A. Degree in Economy and Society, ORCID ID 0000-0003-1571-2695, PhD in Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Alfred Nobel University.

Annotation: Globalization, which became widespread in the late twentieth – early twenty-first century, has led to large-scale changes associated with deepening the interdependence of national economies and their interpenetration, the formation of international industrial complexes beyond national borders, weakening the ability of nations to form independent economic policies. intensification of the movement of goods, capital, labor resources, the creation of institutions of interstate regulation of global problems, the attraction of the world economy to common standards, values, principles of operation based on the ideas of universalism. 
Universalism recognizes freedom and justice as more important values. Instead, sovereignty, which spread as a fundamental current at the beginning of the XXI century, is opposed to international law and emphasizes that the national interests of states are more important than the ideals of civilization (the interests of mankind).
The article aims are to deepen the theoretical understanding of the processes of strengthening sovereignty in response to the global pandemic COVID-19 because the state’s membership in any supranational association directly affects its sovereignty in its classical sense.
The basis of the research methodology is a scientific description and logical-deductive approach, illustrated by empirical cases from around the world. Data from statistical organizations, including the United Nations, the World Health Organization, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, the Council of the European Union, and national health institutions from different countries of the world, were used to analyze the progress of the COVID-19 pandemic and the response of national economies to its effects, as well as analytical reports of the World Economic Forum and the countries of the world, including the countries of the European Union and Ukraine.
The study found that there is a continuing confrontation in the world between the spread of sovereignty and the ideas of globalism in the current pandemic and only time will tell which of these theories will eventually gain dominance as a policy. However, according to the results of the study, the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic is largely due to the development of globalization, the openness of world economies, as well as the growing competitiveness of national economies.

Keywords: COVID-19, sovereignty, public policy, unification, globalism.

Received: 02/04/2021
1st Revision: 12/04/2021
Accepted: 10/05/2021



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