Author: A. Stepanova, PhD in Economics, Associate рrof., ORCID ID 0000-0002-1711-7948, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine

Annotation:  Industrialization and digitalization of all spheres of the economy set the pace of development. The implementation of the latest achievements in related areas of the economy contributes to the innovative development of the country and its businesses. The proposed and economically substantiated innovative project for the production of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for infrastructure purposes at the existing enterprise of Ukraine allowed demonstrating the economic feasibility of such an idea. The calculation of investment support for the implementation of an innovative infrastructure project has shown that Ukraine has prospects for the development of infrastructure innovations, taking into account global trends in the production of complex technical systems.

The calculation of scenarios for the development of an innovative infrastructure project for the introduction of information technology in the economic environment allowed to indicate the probability of taking into account the risks, which will further contribute to the development of development strategies of the company. The use of tools for evaluating venture projects demonstrates the growth of the value of the company implementing the innovative project and is a clear confirmation of the feasibility of implementing an innovative project for the production of UAVs for infrastructure purposes.

Keywords: investments, infrastructural innovations, innovative project, informatization of the economy, production of unmanned aerial vehicles.

Received: 07/06/2021
1st Revision: 14/06/2021
Accepted: 27/08/2021



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