Authors: S. Firsova, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, ORCID ID: 0000-0003-0848-1390,
T. Bilorus, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, ORCID ID: 0000-0001-7620-4622
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine
Annotation: In this paper currently important issues of HR-brand management have been examined. The necessity of developing methodological tools for assessing the level of loyalty of the company’s employees to the internal HR-brand as a system-forming component of effective management of the company-employer in modern business conditions is proved. The article focuses on the essence of the category “employee loyalty to the HR-brand of the company”, which is proposed to understand the level of intangible behavior of employees of the company, which is accompanied by emotional attachment to it. This made it possible to distinguish two components of loyalty – behavioral and emotional. A system for assessing the level of employee satisfaction with the company’s HR brand has been developed by surveying the company’s employees using the method of semantic differential.
To substantiate the level of “behavioral loyalty of the employee to the HR-brand of the company”, the use of indicators is proposed: the number of times the employee changes during his work; the number of times an employee has changed jobs in the last five years; work experience in the analyzed company. The level of “emotional loyalty of the employee to the HR-brand of the company” equally depends on the degree of awareness of the employee about the company’s activities; the level of employee satisfaction with the system of motivation and stimulation of work; the level of employee satisfaction with the system of relations in the team; the level of employee satisfaction with the personnel management system; the employee’s intentions to recommend the company as a potential job.
It is proposed to distinguish the levels of employee loyalty to the HR brand of the company: absolute, hidden, false and lack of employee loyalty. The grouping of respondents according to the results of the survey allows to determine the structure of employees by the level of loyalty to the HR-brand of the company. The study proposes the separation of four threshold intervals of a comprehensive indicator of employee loyalty to the HR-brand of the company with a gradation to low, satisfactory, high and high. The obtained results allow mathematically formalize the definition of the degree of employee loyalty and to develop a clear program of actions to standardize employee satisfaction and justify management decisions to optimize the development of their HR-brand. The proposed methodological approach can be used by managers of employers to develop and justify strategic management decisions to optimize their development in general and the personnel component in particular.
Keywords: HR-brand, behavioral and emotional loyalty of employees, levels of employee loyalty, a comprehensive indicator of employee loyalty
Received: 05/11/2021
1st Revision: 15/11/2021
Accepted: 05/12/2021
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