V. Sarancha, PhD in Economics, K. Vitale, Doctor of Sciences, Professor, MPH, S. Oreskovic, Doctor of Sciences, Professor University of Zagreb, Zagreb, V. Sulyma, Doctor of Sciences, Professor Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University, Ivano-Frankivsk LIFE CYCLE ASSESSMENT IN HEALTHCARE SYSTEM OPTIMIZATION. INTRODUCTION

Article describes the life cycle assessment method and introduces opportunities for method performance in healthcare system settings. LSA draws attention to careful use of resources, environmental, human and social responsibility. Modelling of environmental and technological inputs allows optimizing performance of the system. Various factors and parameters that may influence effectiveness of different sectors in healthcare system are detected. Performance optimization of detected parameters could lead to better system functioning, higher patient safety, economic sustainability and reduce resources consumption.
Keywords: life cycle assessment, holistic approach, healthcare management, social responsibility, modelling.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17721/1728-2667.2015/166-1/4


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