Author:   H. Polianovkyi, PhD Student, ORCID iD 0000-0001-5664-7207,
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine

The article focuses on a specific reform in the Ukrainian higher education sector that has taken place in recent years. The
reform is aimed at changing the funding model for higher education institutions. The previous outdated Soviet-era funding
model inherited by Ukraine in the 90s has been criticized greatly in the last decades. Hence, the current implementation of
performance-based funding in Ukraine is considered a significant move toward better public sector management. This paper
starts with an overview of existing funding models in the higher education sector, analyzing their advantages and
disadvantages. Then it examines current trends in change of funding mechanisms in the higher education sector.

Finally, it discovers a considerable reshaping of the higher education funding in Ukraine that has shifted from the Soviet-era funding
mechanism to modern performance-based funding. The reform is a logical consequence of a broader international reform
agenda of higher education funding and adherence of Ukraine to the European path. The reform in the Ukrainian higher
education system resulted from new liberal economic and political agenda that replaced Soviet-era ideas, combined with the
impact of European Union accession conditions. Therefore, the Ukrainian higher education system, as well as the other
Ukrainian public sector systems, should be harmonized with European Union’s recommendations. Currently, it is difficult to
reach a definitive conclusion on whether the PBF is a sufficient mechanism for funding higher education sector or not. To obtain
a complete picture, it is crucial to analyze the PBF in different contexts. Despite the debatable nature of performance-based
funding, no funding model can fit all contexts and institutional landscapes. Hence, it may always be essential to adjust and
keep a funding mechanism up to date by the institutional demands and modern trends and analyze the intended and unintended
effects of evolving funding mechanisms, particularly in the post-Soviet landscape because it is recognized as a new call for
researchers in examining higher education sector reforms.

Keywords:   higher education sector, higher education funding, performance-based funding, reforming higher education
funding, Ukraine.

Received: 19/04/2022
1st Revision: 02/05/2022
Accepted: 20/05/2022


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