Author: O. Bulkot, PhD of Economics, Associate Prof., ORCID ІD 0000-0002-6311-1459,
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine
Annotation: The article is devoted to investigating the basics and trends of the development of sustainable investing in the global economy and the practice in Ukraine. Sustainable investing is defined as an investment approach referring to environmental, social, and
governance (ESG) factors in selecting and managing investments. A comparison of responsible and sustainable investments is
made. Sustainable investing is shown to be much more extensive than the responsible one and includes not only ESG strategies
of the companies but as well introducing and performing some (or all) of UN principles of sustainable development in their businesses.
The following basic sustainable investment strategies are defined: Negative/exclusionary screening, Integration of ESG
factors, Corporate engagement&shareholder action, Norms-based screening, Best-in-class/positive screening, Negative/exclusionary
screening, and Sustainability themed/thematic investing.
Current trends based on statistical data analysis are shown in implementing sustainable investment strategies. The author proves the appearance of a new paradigm of development and interrelations in national investment ecosystems through forming new factors in investment environments and definitely other interaction models, as well as the regulative principles to be introduced and policies to be developed. The sum-up of existing practices in implementing sustainable investment strategies in Ukraine is made. It is stated that the institution of corporate social responsibility, the implementation of the principles of sustainable development in the activities of economic entities at all levels, and the development and implementation of sustainable investment strategies in Ukraine are currently in their infancy. Also, suggestions about
profitable products in the Ukrainian investment ecosystem in the post-war renovation are made.
Keywords: responsible investing, sustainable investments, sustainable investment strategy, ESG strategy, ESG financial ecosystem,
investment ecosystem.
Received: 24/04/2022
1st Revision: 10/05/2022
Accepted: 27/05/2022
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