The article is devoted to the analysis of an intellect-based economy, its nature, essence and particularities. Continue reading
Category Archives: №109
Kovtonyuk O. Programs of financing of foreign trade EBRR and their implementation in Ukraine
In the article justified the importance of IMF and Worldbank Group in the financing of international trade, and carried out the analysis of international trade projects financing, Continue reading
Prikazyuk N., PhD in Economics, Аssistant Motashko T. State credit in providing of socio-economic development of the market economy countries
The role of state credit in providing of socio-economic development of the market economy countries is investigated. The suggestions to transformation of the state borrowings Continue reading
Virchenko V. PhD in Economics, Impact of legal regulation on efficiency of the domestic financial market
Article is devoted to analysis of peculiarities and impact of legal regulation on efficiency of the domestic financial market. Specific of mechanism of protection of financial assets Continue reading
Filuk G. PhD in Economics, Docent. The competitive policy of the state in conditions of globalization
In the article it was researched the theoretical basis of competitive policy of the state, analyzed the terms “competitive policy”, “antimonopoly policy”, Continue reading
Rozhko O. PhD in Economics, Docent. Problems of bringing of foreign capital in the Ukraine’s banking system
The problems and prospects of growth of bringing in foreign capital in the domestic banking system are examined in the article. The basic groups of risks, inherent development Continue reading
Rak R., PhD in Economics, Docent. Netesany Y. The particularities of the shaping investment resource within industrial-financial group
This article deals the particularity of the shaping the sources investment resource and planning investment project industrialfinancial group. Continue reading
Ovcharenko T. PhD in Economics Identification of main stages to choose the enterprise for the investment
In the article the basic methods of analysis of investment attractiveness of enterprise are considered and offered approach, which is based on combination of fundamental Continue reading
Mysaka A. V. PhD in Economics, Docent. Financial reporting issuers in the information services of the Securities Market Participants
The article presents the results of the study the role and relevance of financial statements published by issuers of securitiesin the information services of investment decision-making parties Continue reading
Lozova G PhD in Economics, Docent. Life insurance as the tool of risks’ minimization
The article is devoted to the analysis of development the competitive relations on the insurance market of Ukraine, comparison them with global tendencies in this sphere. Continue reading