Methods and instruments of influence of NBU on the level of inflation in Ukraine are examined in the article. Continue reading
Category Archives: №112
Nikityuk T. Problems and prospects of forming equity of domestic enterprises in the conditions of world economic crisis
Main problems for share capital in Ukraine, which are caused by a world economic crisis, are explored. In the article the perspectives, which could provide the renewed share capital Continue reading
Il’ina K. Аssistant Role of scientific and research activity in providing of innovative development of Ukraine’s economy
The basic tendencies and problems of development of scientific sector in Ukraine are considered. The role of the state in organization of financing of research works is shown. Continue reading
Lagutina K. Financial mechanism of innovative activity in the corporate sector of economy of Ukraine
Theoretical principles and practice of financing of innovative activity in the corporate sector of economy of Ukraine are examined in the article. Continue reading
Motorina I. Money savings of housekeepings as investment resource for a national economy
The article introduces the households savings as important source of national stability. Savings are examined as investment resources for Ukrainian Continue reading
Grishan Yu., PhD in Economics Problems and effective ways of reformation of medical insurance in Ukraine
The article discloses the main trends and problems of health protection field such as: functioning and financing and possible ways of problems solving. The article provides with the number Continue reading
Kovalska K., PhD in Economics, Аssistant Rak R., PhD in Economics, Docent. The peculiarities of the organization changes’ planning and realization in the management consulting process
The article is devoted to analyse the peculiarities of changes during the realization of management consulting project in organization. Continue reading
Hordei O., PhD in Economics, Docent. Conceptual bases of financing of standard’s living of population
The basic conceptual grounds of standard’s living of population were considered in the article. Evolutional development of quality and quantitative maintenance of this concept was described. Continue reading
Shevchenko V., PhD in Economics, Docent. Content and factors of the global financial crisis
The content and main factors of the contemporary global financial crisis are studying. The international experience of the implementation of the governmental methods for the crisis overcoming, Continue reading
Kucher G., PhD in Economics, Docent. Ukraine’s state finances in a terms of worldwide globalization
Problems and perspectives of Ukraine’s government finance in condition of world globalization are considered in this article. Continue reading