Аuthor: S. Bilokrynytska, PhD Student ORCID ID: 0000-0001-5272-6776

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine

Annotation: The world trend of entrepreneurship development has not passed over Ukraine and is increasing its significance with the participation of universities. The research studies entrepreneurial universities and their role in the region and the country’s economy. The research demonstrates that there is no standardized approach to defining an entrepreneurial university and its main characteristics. Given the above, we have defined the meaning of an entrepreneurial university based on the methodology, including its role in the country. The rankings of the leading universities in Ukraine were analyzed so that the mutual features could be set. The research has proved the main hypotheses about the effectiveness of the implementation of the entrepreneurial universities model based on the indexes and rankings, which estimate their academic, research, and publishing activity. Based on the research results, some universities in Ukraine were defined as the ones whose functioning model is close to that of an entrepreneurial university. Three leading Ukrainian universities were assessed using the main criteria of their financial activity, competitiveness, and the sector’s attractiveness. Based on SPACE-analysis, development strategies for domestic entrepreneurial universities were determined. As a result, the practices should ensure innovation implementation, contribute to higher education and secure competitive positions.

Keywords: entrepreneurial university, strategic analysis, SPACE-analysis, higher education.

Received: 24/09/2022
1st Revision: 20/10/2022
Accepted: 01/12/2022

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