Requirements to articles

All submitted manuscripts must be original work that is not submitted for publication elsewhere: articles that are written in Ukrainian, Russian or English and that have not been published and have not been submitted for publication to other editions (including electronic ones) are accepted for publication.

Before submission of the article to the Executive editor, prepare it following the Instructions, and carefully check the text to identify grammatical, spelling, stylistic and other errors!

The manuscript is submitted to the Editorial Office to the electronic mail address:
Volume of the manuscript (WITH METADATA), submitted to the Editorial Office, should be 7 pages (including title, abstract, formulas, tables, figures, and list of references, Arial font, font size – 9, line spacing – 1).
1.3. A separate files should contain photos of the authors – JPEG Format (photo size – 3×4), file should not exceed 1MB. Name the file with the author’s surname: eg. Ivanov.jpg.
The article should contain structural elements of a scientific article, clearly marked main ideas:
The article should contain structural elements of a scientific article in accordance with requirements of the Decree of the Presidium of Supreme Certification Commission of Ukraine No. 7-05/01 dated January 15, 2003:

  • reflect research issues, which are currently considered to be of utmost importance,
  • include the overview of previous research and other relevant literature,
  • employ scientific methods corresponding to the topic solved,
  • contain coherent deductive arguments and/or empirical evidence supporting the conclusions made;
  • the evidence shall be verifiable and reliable under restrictions outlined in the empirical model applied by the author,
  • include explicitly all assumptions and restrictions of the model worked out in the article,
  • address the sources of future research relating to the paper’s issues.

1.5. Authors should follow in their articles to scientific ethics in terms of references to colleagues’ research:

  • links on sources of statistical data are required;
  • links to tutorials, manuals, newspapers and unscientific magazines – preferably not declare;
  • references to own publications are allowed but only when it is absolutely necessary and not more than 3;
  • the authors whose names are referenced in the text of manuscript must be declared in the list of references to the article.

1.6. Availability of the full volume of metadata is mandatory. (see Section 2).

The article must contain metadata, such as:

  • UDC and JEL Classification,
  • title (5-9 words that are adequate to the content, specific, informative, without phrases such as “Study questions …” “Some questions …” “Problems …”Paths ..”and etc., can be used only common abbreviations);
  • full name of the author (s), title, degree, position;
  • affiliation of author(s): the name of organization, contact address (es) (with zip code), e-mail address, office, home and mobile phones of a key author;
  • abstract (3-5 sentences, no more than 50 words using impersonal constructions such as “… investigated …… received …”);
  • keywords (up to 5 keywords that can be used to draw the citation index, avoid common and meaningful terms). Be careful with abbreviations: Use abbreviations common in this area.

NOTE: Metadata should be submitted in Ukrainian, Russian and English. Moreover, translated title of article, abstract and key words in English should have no transliteration from Russian / Ukrainian language except for untranslatable proper names, devices and other objects that have its own names; do NOT use untranslatable slang, known only for Russian / Ukrainian experts.

  • Extended abstract in English: 10-12 lines (200-250 words – quintessence of content focusing on new data, the main hypothesis and the main conclusions.
  • Mandatory requirements to abstract in English – Abstracts must be:
    • Informative (not include common words);
    • Original (not to be copy of Russian / Ukrainian language abstracts);
    • Content (reflect the essence of the article and research results);
    • Structured (follow the logic description of the results in the manuscript);
  • “English-speaking” (written in quality English.)

Why this is done:

  • text of abstract should be concise, clear and free from secondary information;
  • abstracts give a possibility to get an impression about the basic content of the article, which, sometimes, makes it unnecessary to read the material in full volume. Abstracts are used in information (including automated ones) search systems, which provide search of documents and information;
  • abstract is a brief and accurate statement of the article content and includes basic factual information and conclusions. Conclusions can be accompanied with recommendations, assessments, proposals and hypotheses, which are stated in the article;
  • one of the proved variants of an abstract is a brief repetition of the article structure, which includes introduction, goal and task, methods, results and conclusion. This method of structuring annotations is widely used in foreign journals;
  • remember, that abstract written in the languages other than the article language are the only source of information about the contents of the article and results of research stated in it for readers that do not read in the language of the article;
  • text;
  • list of references in the language of the article and in the roman alphabet (Latin) (References) so that these references could be included in the cited publications of authors and journals in scientometric databases.


  • Text Word formatted (not earlier versions 97) without markup style. The file name must match the first author: eg., Ivanov.docx or Ivanov.doc.
  • Font – Arial, size – 9 pt, spacing – single.
  • Page Setup 2.54 – 2.0 -1.8 – 1.8 – 0 – 1.7 – 1.7 (according to option: /file/page parameters/ programme WinWord-97),
  • Indent of the first line for each paragraph must be equal 0,5 sm
  • For abstracts and keywords – font – Arial, size – 8 pt, italic, bold.
  • Between initials and surname put inextricable interval, this requirement applies to names that appear in the main text of the article.
  • Each keyword or phrase is separated from the rest by a semicolon.
  • Before / after the title of each article section – a space in one line.
  • All references should be indicated in the manuscript in square brackets, e.g. [1], [1; 6]; when citing specific page numbers indicate it after a direct source, e.g. [1, p. 5], [4, p. 5; 8, p. 10–11]
  • Each abbreviation should enter the text in brackets after the first full references to the relevant phrases, and then you can use the acronym introduced.
  • Reduction of cash, metric, time units (UAH, mL kph, h, min, s, etc.), as well as reducing billion write without a point. Between the number and acronym unit value an inextricable interval should be placed.


  • Menu: “Insert” select the option “Object”; in the appeared window select the option “Picture Microsoft Word”;
  • In the new document prepared by the steps insert a picture and uploads using labels (Box endorsement or instrument panel “Drawing”) and text elements of the picture; close picture.Font for picture legend – Arial, size – 8pt, Bold.Provide referenceS to the pictures and drawings: Source: [ ].Regardless of the application used, when your electronic version of the work is complete, please use the “save as” or convert the images to one of the following formats (note the resolution requirements for line drawings, halftones, and line / halftone).Such combinations are shown below:EPS: Vector drawings. Embed the font or save the text as “graphics”.
    TIFF: Color or grayscale photographs (halftones): always use a minimum of 300 dpi.
    TIFF: Bitmapped drawings: use a minimum of 1000 dpi.
    TIFF: Combinations bitmapped line / 1/2 tone (color or monochrome): no less than 500 dpi is required.If your electronic version of the application created in Microsoft Office (Word, PowerPoint, Excel), please indicate “as is”.Make sure each picture has a LEGEND under the picture. Typed legend separately, not attached to the figure. Legend must include a brief title (not on the picture) and a description of the artwork. Should explain all symbols and abbreviations used in Fig.Please do not:
  • Send files optimized for display (eg, GIF, BMP, PICT, WPG), the resolution is too low;• Send files that are in a very low expansion;
  • To send graphics that disproportionate.


  • Number tables consecutively according to their appearance in the text.
  • Schemes and tables should have titles, placed over tables or diagrams, single paragraph of text;
  • Carefully treat the tables and watch the data presented in them, do not duplicate results described in the article itself.
  • Provide link of data sources to every table: Source: [ ].


The list of references should be prepared in accordance with DSTU (State Standard of Ukraine) 7.1:2006. References can contain only those citations, which refer to the text. Citations in References are used according the following form:

  • References should be numbered in the order of their first mention in the text.
  • Font – Arial, 8 pt. Surnames and initials provide in italics, initials after surnames.
  • All works cited should be listed after the main body of the text using the following style (journal names should not be abbreviated)
  • All sources should be numbered; each number in the list of references is only for one source.
  • Make sure that all references cited in the text are also presented in the reference list (and vice versa).
  • Sources in the text should be mentioned in square brackets, for example [1], [1, 6], when citing specific page numbers after point sources, such as [1, p. 5], if put into the same brackets another source, it separated from the previous source with a semicolon (for example, [4, p. 5, 8, p. 10-11].
  • All quotes must accompany their links to the source and a specific page.
  • Unpublished results of individual studies are not recommended to include in the reference list but may be mentioned in the text. These links are included in the list of references and should follow the standard style of the journal with mark “Unpublished results” or “Personal essay”.
  • The list of used references should contain minimum 8 entries. Remember, that requirements to the list of used references are very strict everywhere in the world. The article with a presented list of references demonstrates professional outlook and quality level of research of its authors.
  • The Editorial Board welcomes bibliography references to articles published in the “Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Economics.”
  • To generate the list of references (any and all references) it is desirable to use Harvard – British Standard (Citation Standard)

The structure of bibliographic reference to article:

AUTHOR, A.A., AUTHOR, B.B. and AUTHOR, C.C., 2005. Title of article. Title of Journal, 10 (2), pp. 49-53.


Fonts in MathTypy 4.0 (Microsoft Eq. 3.0):

Define Style:
text – TnR
function – TnR
variable (italic – TnR (“
L.C.Greek – symbol
UC.Greek – symbol
Vector-matrix – TnR (bold) (“
Number – TnR

Define Size:
Full – 10 pt
Subscript/Superscript –
7 pt
Sub-Subscript/Superscript –
5 pt
Symbol –
11 pt
Sub-Symbol –
10 pt

Marking symbols in mathematical formulas (standart. requirements):
The letters of the latin alphabet that represent physical quantities provide in italics, Greek letters – in roman type. However, the designation of certain values ​​give in roman font of latin alphabet.

Articles that do not meet the above requirements will not be accepted.

Manuscripts are peer-reviewed with the assistance of leading professionals as a result of which the Editorial Board decides whether to publish articles or their revision is necessary after the comments of reviewers.