The procedure and conditions of publication

1. The article should be structured in accordance with Requirements. Submission of manuscripts is allowed during the entire year with the waiting period for publishing – up to 6 months. All submitted manuscripts must be original work that is not submitted for publication elsewhere: articles that are written in Ukrainian, Russian, German or English and that have not been published and have not been submitted for publication to other editions (including electronic ones) are accepted for publication.

2. The article is submitted to the Editorial Office to the electronic mail address: All communications with the Editorial Staff are carried out through this address.

ATTENTION! Delivery of the article to the Editorial Office with the purpose of its publication means automatic agreement of the author(s) with conditions of the License Contract.

3. The Editorial Board preserves the right to carry out editorial proof-reading of the article.

4. The publication of the articles is carried out on a paid basis (after reviewing and e-mail about acceptance for publication).

Service cost – 40 thousand characters with spaces (1 dr.ark.) – 1440 UAH (as of 01/07/21).
Articles are exempted from payment:
– students and postgraduate students of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv,
– staff of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv,
if the article is co-authored:
1) staff for free, the co-author pays 1/2 or 1/3 of the cost of the article (depends on the number of authors)
2) if the co-author from the partner university together with the KNU employee is free of charge
3) If the authors of the university-partner without our employee then authors of the article – PAY (the cost is divided by the number of authors)

5. The article, annotations, key words and information about the authors should be in the same file.

6. The author gets 1 (one) author’s copy of the Bulletin (1 copy of the Bulletin for 1 article). Additional copies of the Bulletin could be purchased from the Publisher by preliminary order (specify in the end of the article or send the order by e-mail).

8. The Editorial Board send the article for external peer-reviewing. A negative decision on the publication of the article will be reported to the authors. The article can be returned for revision.

9. The Editorial Board makes final decision with respect of a possibility to publish the article after external peer-reviewing.

10. Articles that belong to one thematic section of the Bulletin are published, as a rule, on a first-come-first-served basis, based on the date of submission of the article to the Editorial Office.

11. The volume of articles after publishing is handed to the authors by the Editorial Office.
